[email protected] Opposite LP# 59 Morne Coco Road, Petit Valley, Trinidad & Tobago


Pleasure Crafts, Container Ships, And Supply Vessels

Sea vessels, whether pleasure or commercial, are usually susceptible to roaches and ants brought onboard with supplies. Some may even experience mild to severe termite infestations. Pestex technicians are trained and experienced in a variety of techniques, including fumigation, to eliminate these invasive pests.
Pest Control Contracts

Offshore pest control is especially important in environments where pests can thrive due to the presence of food, water, and shelter – which is even more appealing to pests when they are surrounded by a hostile environment such as the sea.

Marine pest control is crucial

Offshore pest control is needed to protect a variety of offshore structures and assets. These include oil rigs, drilling platforms, ships, and other vessels. These kinds of structures are extremely vulnerable to the harmful effects of pests such as rats, mice, insects, and birds. These pests can cause a variety of problems, including:
Protecting Your Cargo

The ability to rid a ship of pests creates certain problems. Because ships are in the ports for very short time to be serviced and stocked, early identification of pests is very important to prevent larger infestations. On board monitoring is especially important. It is important to monitor and act quickly when pests are discovered. Failure to do so can result in lost revenue from passengers, contamination of cargo foodstuffs, and damage to a shipping line’s reputation.