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Cinch Bugs
Chinch Bugs
These small bugs destroy lawns and grassy areas by sucking plant juices and injecting them with toxins. If not treated properly – they develop resistance to treatments very quickly -they can cause extensive damage to lawns, therefore regular maintenance and monitoring are crucial to preventing infestation.
Signs of Chinch Bugs infestation
- Irregular yellow or brown patches on the grass.
- Wilted grass.
- Sightings. Small bugs less than a quarter inch long.
Mole Crickets
Mole Crickets
Signs of Mole Cricket infestation
Though they exist primarily below ground, Mole Crickets leave clear signs of their presence:
- Dead or dying grass.
- Mounds of soil from their tunnels.
- Predators such as birds, ripping up the ground to get to the crickets.
White Flies
White Flies
These small, winged insects are most active during the day, when they suck the sap from leaves and plants, severely weakening the plant. Besides plants, they can also be found on various plants such as tomatoes, peppers, melon-gene, ochre and cabbage.
Signs of White Flies infestation
White flies can also be found on indoor plants.
- Sightings. 2mm flies with wings.
- Yellow, withered leaves.
- White dust on plants as well as plant soil.
- Sticky coating on leaves.
- Tiny white nymphs on the underside of leaves.
Centipedes & Millipedes
Centipedes & Millipedes
No one wants these arthropods crawling all over their property,while millipedes are not dangerous, centipedes use venom to kill their prey – insects & worms – and can bite humans when provoked. These are similar to bee or wasp stings, that can have allergic reactions.
Signs of Centipedes & Millipedes infestation
- Sightings. Visuals of the actual centipedes crawling along your property or lawn. They scurry away when a light is turned on.
- A common sign across the Caribbean are dead, dried up millipedes, curled up on your property. They also leave behind a musty scent indoors.
T&T has a large scorpion population, which is why it is crucial to seek professional treatment at the first sign of these predatory arachnids. Easily recognizable by their large pincers and curved tail, with its venomous stinger. They are primarily nocturnal, approximately 2.5 inches long and lay around 25 eggs each time they mate.Their stings can cause numbness, pain, nausea, vomiting and high blood pressure.
Signs of Scorpion infestation
- Sightings. They love dark areas but can be seen traveling to seek other insects as prey.
- Moulted skin, as they shed their skin regularly.
- Scorpion egg cases, that are small and resemble ‘Tic Tac’ mints.
Did you know that there are more than 40 species of snakes in T&T? Only four of them are venomous with bites that can be fatal if not treated in time: two types of Mapipire and two types of Coral snakes. From small Vine snakes to large tree Boas, the simple truth is that most people do not want snakes on their property but also want the assurance that they can be removed in a humane way. Pestex uses the most humane practices with the removal of these types of animals from your home or place of business.It’s our assurance that keeps everyone happy, including the snake.
Signs of Snake infestation
- Shed snakeskin, either a leathery substance or similar to clear plastic.
- Slither tracks of dusty surfaces.
Why look out for signs in your lawn & garden?
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We say no to hazardous pest termination, we use natural methods.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam et tempor ligula. Maecenas lacus orci, pulvinar in ullamcorper id, maximus id nisi. Morbi non enim pharetra, mattis turpis id, finibus nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id tempor orci. Duis eu dui nunc. Mauris pretium ut dui nec consectetur. Nullam nec luctus diam, at rutrum lorem. Ut vel sollicitudin tortor, in tempus arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam et tempor ligula. Maecenas lacus orci, pulvinar in ullamcorper id, maximus id nisi. Morbi non enim pharetra, mattis turpis id, finibus nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id tempor orci. Duis eu dui nunc. Mauris pretium ut dui nec consectetur. Nullam nec luctus diam, at rutrum lorem. Ut vel sollicitudin tortor, in tempus arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam et tempor ligula. Maecenas lacus orci, pulvinar in ullamcorper id, maximus id nisi. Morbi non enim pharetra, mattis turpis id, finibus nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id tempor orci. Duis eu dui nunc. Mauris pretium ut dui nec consectetur. Nullam nec luctus diam, at rutrum lorem. Ut vel sollicitudin tortor, in tempus arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam et tempor ligula. Maecenas lacus orci, pulvinar in ullamcorper id, maximus id nisi. Morbi non enim pharetra, mattis turpis id, finibus nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id tempor orci. Duis eu dui nunc. Mauris pretium ut dui nec consectetur. Nullam nec luctus diam, at rutrum lorem. Ut vel sollicitudin tortor, in tempus arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam et tempor ligula. Maecenas lacus orci, pulvinar in ullamcorper id, maximus id nisi. Morbi non enim pharetra, mattis turpis id, finibus nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id tempor orci. Duis eu dui nunc. Mauris pretium ut dui nec consectetur. Nullam nec luctus diam, at rutrum lorem. Ut vel sollicitudin tortor, in tempus arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam et tempor ligula. Maecenas lacus orci, pulvinar in ullamcorper id, maximus id nisi. Morbi non enim pharetra, mattis turpis id, finibus nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id tempor orci. Duis eu dui nunc. Mauris pretium ut dui nec consectetur. Nullam nec luctus diam, at rutrum lorem. Ut vel sollicitudin tortor, in tempus arcu.