[email protected] Opposite LP# 59 Morne Coco Road, Petit Valley, Trinidad & Tobago


Getting them to wing it out of your property!

Birds & Bats can be found in all types of buildings, usually in the roof but also in other areas. The nuisance factor of pigeons is well known, creating unsightly mess with their droppings or crowding areas of general use. Bats also leave droppings on walls, creating unnecessary work. Pestex uses the most modern, most humane methods to get these pests to relocate, giving you back your space and cleanliness. Our services include the installation of exclusion methods for birds, such as bird spikes and bird netting for ledges, walls, on top of air conditioning units, to keep the birds out.

Some birds can cause structural damage to a property, while other scary health risks associated with their droppings. These factors alone, plus the annoyance or their presence, make bird pest control and removal paramount for homes and businesses.

These winged critters attack fruit trees and take up residence within the property, especially in or around the roof and ceiling areas. Pestex does not trap bats, instead we force them to relocate, using methods such as a flushing system. Once we locate the bat’s entry point, a cone is inserted that allows the bats to exit but they then cannot re-enter to gain access to their abode. Result: they are forced to find new accommodation,away from your property.

Natural Ways To Rid Your Home of Bats

We say no to hazardous pest termination, we use natural methods.

These devices emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant to bats, encouraging them to leave the area. They are ideal for use indoors and can cover large spaces.

Fine mesh nets can be placed over entry points, such as vents and eaves, allowing bats to exit but not return. This helps prevent bats from roosting in your building.

Hanging shiny, reflective strips or objects can create an environment bats find uncomfortable, discouraging them from settling nearby.

Applying sticky, non-toxic gel to surfaces where bats might roost makes these areas unattractive to bats.

nstall these at entry points to allow bats to leave your building but not get back in. They are a key part of many bat exclusion strategies.