[email protected] Opposite LP# 59 Morne Coco Road, Petit Valley, Trinidad & Tobago

Beneficial Native Pollinators: Most bees aren’t bad!

A pollinator is any organism that moves
pollen from the male portion of a flower,
called the anther, to the female portion,
called the stigma. This action by a pollinator
fertilizes the flower so that it will produce a seed that will turn into the next generation of plants. This process is important for the plant to survive but the animal that is pollinating the plant often benefits from this process by collecting nectar and pollen for food and other necessary nutrients.

There are some bee and wasp species that can be harmful to humans, but they typically will not bother you unless you disturb their nest.

Many native bees are solitary bees. Unlike
honey bees that live in a colony, solitary bees
build their individual nests under the ground to lay their eggs. Native pollinator species are extremely important for the pollination of our crops for food. Unfortunately, many native pollinator species have declined recently so it’s important to try to pick flowers and plants for your garden that are native to your area that are also bee and butterfly friendly.

Native pollinator species are extremely important for the pollination of our crops for food.

If you do come across some of the bees and wasps that can be dangerous, call us so that we can manage nests surrounding your home.